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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Slatwall Displays; an exhibitor's friend

In the present climate, marketing budgets are tighter than ever before. There is increasing importance on being able to justify costs, and buying a versatile piece of equipment like the Slatwall Display, might be just what is needed to keep the accounting department at bay.

Being able to hold poster frames, literature racks and product hooks, they are equally at home in retail environments, trade shows or reception areas.
They are also double sided meaning they have double the impact of regular wall mounted Slatwall displays.
Made from an anodised aluminium profile, and with optional LED lights, they are at the height of modern display design.

They come pre-assembled, which means you are up and ready in a matter of minutes. These Slatwall display stands are a versatile solution for displaying and promoting your business.

Visit for more info.

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